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Our added value


  • Over 15 years of experience in supporting major companies in their restructuring projects and their search for buyers;

  • Consultants who were themselves in charge of implementing these strategies in previous jobs;

  • A great many complex divestment projects successfully carried out in Europe;

  • A highly cohesive team, whose members have worked together for over 15 years, recognized by numerous major international companies;

  • Specialists who are known and trusted by your side … to better advise you and who are able to take into account the industrial, HR, financial, media, political – and cultural – dimensions of the country concerned;

  • A network of potential buyers – SME growing robustly on the international level, and an in-depth knowledge of their development strategies;

  • Partners in the U.S, ensuring that we have international coverage, notably throughout the entire EMEA zone and in North and South America;

  • A commitment to work by your side throughout the project and to bring it to a successful conclusion;

  • The ability to come up with new and original solutions (ad hoc)…to find the right players/targets for you … and to help you “sell” them in the best way possible to your corporate officers or shareholders;

  • Adapting your company’s global strategy by setting up local solutions;

  • We will introduce you to potential buyers with high-quality industrial projects and the ability to replace your activities with theirs.